Module for displaying a whole range of statistics specific to a player’s sporting activity during training or competition.
Module for creating sport-specific events and importing pre-filled calendars in 1 click
Module for creating customized opponent analysis sheets (e.g. strengths, weaknesses and strategy)
Module for managing a sports activity log (training or competition) so you can retrieve historical data at any time
Module enabling connection to a personal coach (club or private) who will then set up and monitor a player’s sporting activity via a multitude of tools available on a Web application.
Module for video or text tips organized by category
Sophisticated module for creating training sessions consisting of lists of exercises of all types (technical, physical, tactical, mental).
Sophisticated module for all types of exercise (technical, physical, tactical, mental)
Module providing an exhaustive and precise description of the technical basics of a sport
Module for informing members of a sports community about various regulations relating to their activity